Many Australians today know little about the history of their nation. This lack of knowledge contributes to discord and unsettled relationships within our country. It is time to address the past in order to create a better future, not only for our ourselves but for generations to come. The interest and urgency in this conversation is apparent. For instance the date we celebrate Australia Day is being challenged and discussed, and there is a proposal for a Makarata regarding the lack of an Australian treaty. It is time for discussion and debate about where we are at as a nation now and where we want to be.
Australiyaniality aims to explore Australia's wellbeing. The key word liyan is a Yawuru word that relates to Aboriginal peoples' view of their wellbeing. It is about the way they feel about themselves and relationship with their community. Permission and approval for the use of this word has been obtained from the Yawuru PBC.
25 artists have come together from different disciplines and cultural backgrounds to interrogate their own Australian identity and explore what a better Australian identity would look like. Can it be re-shaped? What is good? What needs to change? What is our collective liyan? How do we materialise all of this into real action?
We intend to create an ambitious discourse that doesn't avoid the difficult conversations. The intention is to have this conversation amongst the broader public, not simply to have it sit within the confines of a gallery. We hope to move the discussion beyond the gallery space to influence and challenge a broader demographic.